Thursday, February 02, 2006

'Unbalanced?' but 'Very Good'

It is something of an odd company. DNA binding, the National Academies Web site on evolution...and the California Stem Cell Report. What do they all have in common? A write-up in a review of websites in the Genetic Engineering News, which says it is most widely read bionews publication in the world with a "market reach" of 199,143.

The Web site review, which the magazine calls one of it most popular features, is written by Kevin Ahern, who teaches in the biochemistry and biophysics department at Oregon State University.

His bottom line on the California Stem Cell Report:
"The best way to keep informed on this topic may be to watch this site."

His summary:
"Strong Points: Topical ; Weak Points: Unbalanced? ; Rating: Very Good "

We should note that Ahern's snippet on the California Stem Cell Report was only one item removed from another on foot-and-mouth disease.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt about it - very good and very balanced.

    If I had to guess, I'd say your views are similar to Deborah Ortiz, but it would only be a guess.


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